Only 10% of U.S. cell phone owners listen to music on their devices, according to a report from market research firm Forrester Research.
This compares with 27% of Britons and 70% of Chinese mobile subscribers.
"Part of the reason is that mobile and music providers have focused on their business models first and the user experience second. Europe and Asia have fared better in terms of user adoption, but direct revenues from mobile music remain lean," the report says.
"To benefit from mobile music adoption, music labels need to shift their strategy from direct to indirect revenue gains, services need to become platform-agnostic, and device makers and carriers need to up the ante on innovative offerings."
While 60% of U.S. mobile subscribers polled said they had no interest in purchasing music on their phones, Forrester predicts that the U.S. market for purchasing music via cell phones will reach $263 million by 2013.